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Glaxnimate 0.5.2

Mardi, 14 Février 2023 | Mattia Basaglia

Copie d'écran de la version 0.5.2

Glaxnimate is proud to announce the release of version 0.5.2. This latest update brings several exciting new features and improvements to enhance your animation creation experience.

Animation le long du tracé

Les graphismes de la Terre et de la Lune proviennent des émoticônes de Noto

One of the major additions in this release is the ability to animate objects along a path. This is a feature that allows you to animate elements in a more natural and organic way by having them move along a custom path instead of a straight line. With this feature in Glaxnimate, you can create animations of objects following a curved path, like a bouncing ball or a spaceship flying through space.

After you add position keyframes to an object, the path can be adjusted with the edit tool, giving you full control over the motion of your elements, and the ability to fine-tune your animations until they look just right.

Interface utilisateur améliorée

Vue synthétique

The interface layout has also been updated with new presets to provide better display on smaller screens, and the ability to set custom shortcut settings for plugins has been added.

Fonctionnalité avancée d'entrées / sorties

Pour rendre votre flux de travail encore plus facile, une nouvelle option d'exportation en tant que séquence d'images a été ajoutée au menu.

This release also brings support for loading and saving Rive animations, improving the quality of video exports, and adding command line options for rendering images without starting the GUI.

Les problèmes de chargement de Glaxnimate et des anciens fichiers de Lottie ont également été corrigés, ainsi qu'un plantage lors de l'exportation au format « SVG ».

Ajouts de scripts

Pour les équipes de développement et les utilisateurs avancés, la nouvelle version dispose d'une fonction pour effectuer le rendu d'un nœud sur une trame spécifique, offrant encore plus de contrôle sur vos animations.

Corrections de bogues et améliorations mineures

This release also includes several bug fixes, including resolution of issues with loading Lotties with hidden fill and stroke, improved previews in the stroke style view, and proper application of duration changes in the startup dialog to all layers.

Additionally, Glaxnimate 0.5.2 includes the addition of Flatpak, improved Freedesktop file naming and metainfo, and the ability to view contributors. Messages are also logged to a file for better tracking of errors and issues.

L'outil de « Sélection » a également été amélioré, permettant une meilleure gestion des formes non regroupées et rendant votre processus d'édition plus fluide et plus efficace.


We are confident that these new features and improvements will enhance your experience with Glaxnimate and look forward to continuing to bring you the best vector animation application.

If you're interested in trying it out, head over to our download page to get started. As always, if you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out to us via our issue tracker.

Merci de votre aide continue à Glaxnimate !