
Glaxnimate provides an extensive scripting interface.

See full API Reference page to see all the available modules, classes, and functions.

There are also some useful examples that walk you through a few features.

Script Console

You can use the Script Console to test some snippets and modify the current document.

Here you can access the glaxnimate module and you have the global objects window and document defined.

The console has a button to reload the script module, this means that if you make changes to a python module / script and want the change to take effect, you can click it and you'll see the up to date modules (instead of the version previously cached by Python).

This also affects modules loaded for plugins.

If you want to run more complex scripts in the console, you can use Snippets.


You can write plugins to perform common actions, add support for more file formats, and more.

See Plugins for a full description of the structure of a plugin.

If you are developing a plugin, the easiest way to reload the modules when you make changes, is to click on Reload Script Modules in the script console.

As a Python module

Glaxnimate is also available as a mode (you can download it from PyPI).

pip install glaxnimate

You can also download the development version (This will have newer features but might also have more bugs_

pip install glaxnimate --extra-index-url

It provides a similar functionality as the script console but you can call it from python scripts, without the need of a GUI.

import glaxnimate

# Create a document object
document = glaxnimate.model.Document()

# Load a file
with open("MyFile.rawr", "rb") as input_file:"glaxnimate").load(document,

# Add a layer
layer = document.main.add_shape("Layer")

# The fill will be applied to all following shapes in the same group / layer
fill = layer.add_shape("Fill")
fill.color.value = "#ff0000"

# A simple circle moving left and right
ellipse = layer.add_shape("Ellipse")
radius = 64
ellipse.position.set_keyframe(0, glaxnimate.utils.Point(radius, document.size.height / 2))
ellipse.position.set_keyframe(90, glaxnimate.utils.Point(document.size.width-radius, document.size.height / 2))
ellipse.position.set_keyframe(180, glaxnimate.utils.Point(radius, document.size.height / 2))
ellipse.size.value = glaxnimate.utils.Size(radius, radius)

# Write a file
with open("MyFile.json", "wb") as output_file:

Scripting: Examples

 | Mattia Basaglia
Undo Macros Every time you change a property in python, a new undo command will be created. Read More

Scripting: Plugins

 | Mattia Basaglia
Plugins go in the plugins data directory, each plugin must have its own sub-directory and a plugin. Read More